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Breach and Attack Simulation (BAS)

Mã sản phẩm: BAS

Mô tả: Cymulate BAS solutions safely conduct threat activities, tactics, techniques, and procedures in production environments to validate security control effectiveness.

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Validate, Measure & Optimize Security Controls
Cymulate Breach and Attack Simulation (BAS) validates cybersecurity controls by safely conducting threat activities, tactics, techniques, and procedures in production environments. With automation and a library of realistic attack scenarios and simulations, Cymulate BAS gives security teams an easy-to-use interface to test security architecture, people, and processes for continuous assessment of cyber resilience.

Cymulate BAS applies the latest threat intel and primary research from the Cymulate Threat Research Group with daily updates on emerging threats and new simulations – all mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK framework. On-demand and scheduling systems allow for both ad hoc checks and automated testing to validate security controls against emergent threat activity, confirm remediation, or prepare for audits and penetration tests.

How it Works Validate
Measure & Optimize Security Controls Cymulate BAS enables customers to securely simulate real-world cyber attacks, thoroughly testing their organization's resilience against known and emerging threats. Cymulate BAS is cloud based and easily deployed with minimal installation and maintenance efforts. Customers only need to install one lightweight agent per environment to run assessments. The agent facilitates seamless communication between customer devices and the Cymulate platform, ensuring timely updates and efficient transfer of operational data. Validate Security Controls Security is built upon a layered defense that needs continuous testing to assess if controls are working effectively. Cymulate BAS tests for detection and alerting on threats to confirm that controls are functioning correctly or if threats can evade them. Each vector is scored independently and aggregated for an overall risk score based on industry-standard frameworks. Cymulate BAS integrates with many SIEM, SOAR, GRC, EDR, firewall, and ticketing systems via API to validate and improve security tool detection and response capabilities.

Test Email Security Controls: The email gateway capability challenges email security controls (both native and third-party) by sending emails with attachments containing ransomware, worms, trojans, or links to malicious websites to explicitly defined email addresses within the organization. Cymulate BAS validates control effectiveness for each threat and escalates the email threats that bypass the first line of defense and reach inboxes without being altered or removed.

Assess Web Gateway Protection The web gateway capability tests employee access to malicious websites through coercion or purposely performing dangerous activities. Cymulate BAS includes tests for both inbound protection against thousands of simulated malicious files and exploits and outbound protection against a daily feed of comprised URLs.

Challenge Web Application Firewall (WAF) Configurations The WAF capability simulates attacks against web applications that the WAF protects to discover exploitable vulnerabilities in web applications and infrastructure, preventing potentially sensitive information from being stolen. This capability uses payloads such as command injection, XML injection, SQL injection, NSQL injection, and file inclusion. The results of the simulations are mapped to MITRE ATT&CK tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) and Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) security risks.

Confirm Endpoint Security Tools The endpoint security capability tests endpoint security platforms and native tools against behavioral and signature-based attacks, lateral movement, and MITRE ATT&CK methods and commands to discover security gaps and misconfigurations

Analyze Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Controls The data exfiltration capability tests the effectiveness of DLP security controls and native controls with exfiltration methods such as HTTP & HTTPS, DNS, DNS tunneling, ICMP tunneling, Telnet, email, removable hardware, cloud services, and more. Cymulate BAS packages the data into different file types, including images and office files, and attempts to exfiltrate them using multiple exfiltration methods.
Identify Exposure to the Latest Active Threats The immediate threat intelligence capability tests security controls against new and emerging threats observed in the wild. The Cymulate Threat Research Group updates Cymulate BAS daily with attack simulations of these latest threats that require urgent attention and action. Threat and simulation updates include insights into threat actors, attack vectors, techniques mapped to MITRE ATT&CK, and indicators of compromise.

Validate Security Architecture Against APT Attacks The full kill-chain scenarios capability simulates end-to-end attack scenarios of known advanced persistent threat (APT) groups. These attack simulations deliver and execute production-safe ransomware, trojan, worm, or custom payload via web or email attack vectors. In addition to challenging each attack vector separately, Cymulate BAS tests the effectiveness of various security controls across the entire cyber kill-chain—from attack delivery to exploitation and post-exploitation.

Validate and Improve Detection and Response with Security Control Integrations
Cymulate BAS integrates with many SIEM, SOAR, GRC, EDR, and other tools via API to augment and benefit existing security solutions. With the API integrations, Cymulate identifies the specific policies that need to be tuned to improve security posture and mitigate control gaps. Cymulate remediation guidance integrates with IT service management to streamline workflows and security task management. Here is just a small sample of the available integrations.

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